Outreach Programs

For Libraries, Nature Centers, Scouts and other Groups

Ideal maximum group size for any program is 25-40 kids (not including staff), depending on program. See individual program descriptions. We can offer multiple sessions of the same program or can offer 2 shorter programs within an hour. For larger live animal programs, we cannot guarantee that participants will be able to touch animals.

Library Theme Programs  2024: "Adventure Begins at Your Library"

Wild Around the World Take a trip around the world without leaving the library! We'll meet animals from many areas of the world and learn about the adaptations they have to their habitats. Audience: up to 100 participants.  Ages: All

Library Theme Programs  2025: "Color our World"

Colors in Nature!
From camouflage to warning colors, animals use their patterns and hues to help them survive. Meet some live animals that use colors in different ways, test yourself with some great animal camouflage, and discover the science of color. Audience: up to 100 participants. Recommended for ages 3 and up. 

Mixed Media Menagerie
Explore your artistic side as you discover all the wonderful colors of nature through meeting live animals and then capturing them in drawings! We'll share 5 different colorful animals and then provide pastels and colored pencils for attendees to create inspired masterpieces. Audience: up to 25 participants. Recommended for ages 5 and up. 

Library Theme Programs  2026: "Unearth a Story"

Dinosaur Discovery!
Dig into the world of dinosaurs and their modern-day relatives. Discover what we think we know about the dinosaurs that walked here in our region through observing real fossils. Meet some live lizards to learn what they share in common with their prehistoric relatives and discover that our feathered friends share some history with the T-Rex and other dinosaurs. Audience: up to 50 participants. Recommended for ages 3 and up. 

CT or NY Rocks & Minerals
Using specimens from the SM&NC collection, participants will explore the three rock types, the conditions in which they form, and the history of their formations in our local area. Through a multi-station lab, students will investigate and learn to identify local rock specimens, explore how fossils forms, and discover how earth materials are used by people in their daily lives. Depending on location, we can focus on NY or CT geology. Audience: up to 25 participants. Recommended for ages 5 and up. 

Live Animal Programs

Meet the Animals!
Meet some of the animals that live at the SM&NC up close and personal. Meet creatures that live in our forests, ponds, fields and even some from the farm! We’ll have a chance to see them eyeball to eyeball and touch a few too! Animals may include a goat, chinchilla, guinea pig, chicken, duck, snake or frog. Special themes, such as Animals in Winter, can be accommodated. Audience: up to 100. Recommended for all ages.

Nocturnal Animals
Discover the world of night animals and explore how their tools and behaviors help them do their jobs under the cover of darkness. From excellent hearing to silent flight, we’ll explore some of the best nocturnal adaptations and meet some live members of the “night crew.” Audience: up to 100. Recommended for all ages.

Slimy & Scaly
Explore the world of reptiles and amphibians as we visit with some live snakes, turtles, frogs and lizards! We’ll discover the differences between the two groups, learn how they grow up, and have a chance to touch many live slimy and scaly creatures! Meet some live animals that live in our local area, as well as some from around the world! Audience: up to 100. Recommended for all ages.

Magical Beasts & Where to Find Them: A special version of our popular Books & Beasts program will bring some of our most magical creatures to you, such as a dragon, snake, or even possibly an owl! We’ll meet some animals from common fairy tales, as well as ones whose adaptations seem like they are made up and introduce some of our favorite stories that they come from! Audience: up to 100 participants. Ages: all.

Books & Beasts
Meet some animals from your favorite books! From the Salamander Room to Charlotte’s Web, we’ll see creatures almost jump right from the pages! We’ll bring some of our favorite children’s books to show and share one or two short ones with the group! We’ll then get a chance to see and touch some of the animals that live at the Stamford Museum & Nature Center. Audience: up to 100. Recommended for all ages. 

Colors in Nature!
From camouflage to warning colors, animals use their patterns and hues to help them survive. Meet some live animals that use colors in different ways, test yourself with some great animal camouflage, and discover the science of color. Audience: up to 100 participants. Recommended for ages 3 and up. 

Animal Adaptations
From camouflage to hibernation, investigate the tools and behaviors that help animals do their jobs in nature. Using live animals and mounted specimens, we’ll discover the differences between living on land and in the water, why animals are fast or slow, and even find out about an animal that likes to eat skunks. Audience: up to 100. Recommended for all ages.   

Edible Insects
Discover the who, what, where and why behind eating bugs. From mealworm spaghetti to roasted tarantula, we’ll find out why people have been eating insects and invertebrates for hundreds of years. We’ll meet some live bugs that might be on a menu somewhere, as well as some animals that eat bugs. Brave participants will have a chance to try an edible insect snack, if desired, at the end of the program. A unique and fun experience! Audience: up to 25. Recommended for all ages.

Farm Fun
Discover the importance of local farms as we learn about the many products, which come from CT and NY farms, from wool to eggs to vegetables. We’ll test our audience with our farm baby name quiz and get a chance to meet a few live residents from our farm.  Animals may include chicks, chicken, duck, guinea pig, rabbit, goat or lamb depending on availability. Available May-August. Audience: up to 40. Recommended for all ages.

Natural, Physical & Engineering Science Programs

Science Rocks!
Ever wondered how to make slime or how a volcano works? Explore some basic principles of science by making things foam, fizz or fly In this hands-on class! We might find out how to make colors move, how quicksand works, make a rocket out of a film canister or more!  Participants will make a few things to take home too. This program does get a bit messy, so non-carpeted areas are recommended. Audience: up to 25 participants. Recommended for ages 5 and up.

Owl Pellet Dissection
Ever wonder what owls eat for dinner?  Discover the ecology of owls as we dissect an owl pellet, and the leftovers from their dinner that they cough up. We’ll learn what types of owls live in the area and meet some live animals that owls might want to eat for dinner! Audience: up to 25 participants.  Recommended for ages 5 and up.

What’s it Matter?
Discover the world of solids, liquids and gases in this hands-on workshop. Learn about the properties of each state of matter as we launch a film canister in the air, make solids “disappear: and measure air. We’ll even learn about materials that are “in-between” states, as we make our own slime and investigate the properties of polymers.  Audience: up to 25 participants. Recommended for ages 5 and up.

Building Stations Lab
Let your students get their engineer on as we bring a variety of building sets, such as LEGO, Jawbones, Straws & Connectors and more! Students will rotate through different stations, each with its own building challenge. Audience: up to 50 participants. Recommended for ages 3 and up.



Program Information

  • Programs are approximately 1 hour long
  • All programs are taught by professional environmental educators
  • Special themes may be available, please ask!
  • Series programs are available; special pricing packages are available depending on program numbers
  • In good weather, programs can be presented outside

Program Fee: $180 per 1 hour program

Travel Fee: Locations outside of a 15-mile radius of Stamford, Connecticut, please add a $35 travel fee. 

To schedule programs, contact Lisa Monachelli, Director of Education via email.


39 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford, CT 06903