Looking for environmental educator-led programs but need hands-on materials?

Many of our school programs are available remotely with curbside delivery of hands-on materials. Some programs come with “Learning Packs” which will provide materials for students to use during our remote programs or as extension activities in the classroom. Other programs are available with materials loan, which allow you to bring artifacts such as rocks, fossils, Native American tools, and other items into your classroom on loan to enhance our digital programming.
Fees: $75/program (up to 25 students)
Contact Director of Education, Lisa Monachelli, to schedule: lmonachelli@stamfordmuseum.org.
Learning pack materials do not need to be returned; materials loans do. All materials are packed safely. Look for the icon to determine the material type:
D+P= Digital Program with learning pack; D+M= Digital Program with material loan.

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