Spring In Motion

Family Solar Car Building Workshop

ONLINE registration now closed. Limited spaces available, please call 203.977.6521 to register. 

Saturday, April 23
Session 1: 11 am – 12 pm- FULL
Session 2: 1 – 2 pm
Session 3: 2:30 – 3:30 pm

Discover the benefits of alternative energies and how they are making transportation greener. Each family will get to build a solar car to take home, participate in other fun alternative energy projects, and learn about how alternative energy cars are working to reduce carbon emissions. Limited to 12 families per session. Program will be held on the Meadow. Rain plans will be e-mailed if needed.
$10/Member family

*PLEASE NOTE: These programs are registration per FAMILY so one family only needs ONE ticket! 

Recycled Racetracks & Rollercoasters

Saturday, May 21
Session 1: 11 am – 12 pm- FULL
Session 2: 1 – 2 pm
Session 3: 2:30 – 3:30 pm-1 spot left!

Join us for this new family workshop that combines our favorites of building with recycled materials and things in motion! Families will work together to build a marble roller coaster and a die-cast car model “Riley Raceway” out of recycled materials. Bring your creativity and put your engineering skills to work. Limited to 8 families per session. Program will be held on the Meadow. Rain plans will be e-mailed if needed.
$5/Member family

*PLEASE NOTE: These programs are registration per FAMILY so one family only needs ONE ticket! 

Animals in Motion

Saturday, June 18
Session 1: 11 am – 12 pm
Session 2: 1 – 2 pm
Session 3: 2 – 3 pm

Join us for program to explore the many ways that animals move. Many vehicles, from jets to cars, are named after animals to model their speed and agility. Meet some of our live animals up close and discover how they move from place to place. We’ll see animals that can hop, glide, swim, slither, and run. Limited to 10 families per session. Program will be held in the Otter Outdoor Classroom. Rain will postpone.
$10/Member family

*PLEASE NOTE: These programs are registration per FAMILY so one family only needs ONE ticket!